" Palabras" - " Words " *
Words, you wanted to deceive me with words,
by pretending to understand my feelings,
by pretending to have a heart.
Don't try to make trust die inside of me,
the guilt and wickedness of your words
sealed the end of this illusion.
Forgive me for this pride,
in all sincerity, I' m asking you to forgive me,
but you have collided with my heart
which understands that you 're full of selfishness.
Words, walk away from me with your words,
walk away immediately from my life
and find yourself another heart
wich will listen to them.
( written by: Marta Valdes/arranged by: Joseito Gonzalez )
* η αγγλικη μεταφραση των στιχων, αντεγραφη απο το φυλλαδιο του ομωνυμου αλμπουμ της OMARA PORTUENDO, εκδ. NUBENEGRA 1995